3 definitions by Dizzy FPV


Alternate spelling, widely used within the multirotor or QUADcopter community / subculture, for the word “quad”, an abbreviation of quadcopter. A remote controlled (RC) aircraft comprising of four motorised propellers, electronic circuitry and typically mounted in a carbon fibre frame.
It’s not a fucking drone, dude! It’s a kwad!
by Dizzy FPV March 3, 2018
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red light district

Historically, red light cast by a coloured glass lantern or lamp, was discovered by ancient Egyptians and Romans, to enhance the appearance of human skin complexion. A red light source will cause skin blemishes, freckles, blood vessels, rashes, bruising etc to disappear. Giving the skin a pure and more unblemished appearance.
The ancient prostitution industry soon took advantage of this business boosting optical illusion, installing red lamps in their working environments. As organised brothells developed, paying customers could more readily identify a working girl by the red lamp glow emitted from her window.
As brothell owners and prostitution demands became demographically focused because of common demand, eg areas of high trade, business premises became more concentrated and known as red light districts.
by Dizzy FPV March 3, 2018
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dict shame

Vexatious attempt to humiliate an individual on the Urban Dictionary platform.
Her ex tried to dict shame her but his immaturity was down-voted.
by Dizzy FPV March 3, 2018
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