2 definitions by Dirk Longfellow

The act of farting under the covers, then getting out of bed, waking your girlfriend, and turning on the light. The sudden bright light in the middle of the night forces the the victim to pull the covers over their own head, exposing them to the foul, putrid odor left there by your ass. Causing them to "self roast" in a cloud airborn anal leakage
My girlfriend wouldnt swallow my cock last night, so I introduced her to the Self Roasting Dutch Oven
by Dirk Longfellow June 13, 2006
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(n) Woman who invites herself into your bed, when morning comes does not leave, does not acknowledge subtle hints to leave, makes herself at home. (Editors Note; Sleepers natural evolutionary path is into Bunny Boilers; when one is encountered it is advisable to cease and desist any and all communication while still possible before life and family jewels are still entact)
"Dirk, where are you? Your late, your going to miss the game"
"Sorry, I am having trouble getting this 'Sleeper' out of my house"
by Dirk Longfellow June 13, 2006
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