1 definition by Dicklord123

A sacret bond that is not supposed to be broken by Primož and Anže( Any onther Teammates in the world)

-Teammates shall sit together in class
-Teammates shall not hurt each other unless its realy necessary
-If teammates play on oposite teams they should cover each other
-A teammate will help cheat the other teammate on the test
-If the teammate would be broken by any party in it he has to be punished by death or getting his balls removed
-The only way to break teammate agreement is by getting molested by a horse for 8 straight hours
-Teammates are not supposed to stop playing a sport wich is selected by the parties of the agreement
-Teammates shall go eat together atleast once a month
-Sexual harrasment is off limits unless the parties in the agreement are gay
-If teammates play 1-1 they have to give it all

-Trash talking is allowed

-Teammates are not supposed to expose each other publicly or on social media
-If teammate breaks anohers teammates ankles they are ititled to bitchslapping him
-Teammates shall respect the Teammate Agreement at 100%
Anže broke the Teammate Agreement by sitting with Guštl
by Dicklord123 December 13, 2018
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