4 definitions by Diamonds

Yo Sean, i was busting all up in her
by Diamonds August 29, 2004
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Its like twerking, but with your boobies. The action can either be completed by having awesome pectoral control or jumping up and down making your boobies move in a twerking motion.
She jumped up and down so fast that her titties started bwerking.
by Diamonds October 20, 2014
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A combination of Maddi and Gangsta. Maddi's are often known to have their own language/culture and so must also have gangsta lingo.
other person: "what did you say? what does it mean?"

Maddi: "oh don't worry, its madgangsta for insert word you were trying to say here"
by Diamonds June 22, 2012
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The ultimate red card alcoholic beverage that doesn't give you a hangover! consisting of:
1 bottle of Vodka
1 bottle of Gin
1/2-1 cask of white wine
2 Litres orange juice
6 red bulls
1 tube of berocca

1-2 litres of lemonade

A sure way to make a couple of casuals turn into a room full of shit faced shit yarns after just one boat race!
"Lets get white girl wastey on 2 cups of wolf juice!"
by Diamonds May 22, 2014
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