23 definitions by Dewit

When a person does absolutely nothing but look at definitions on Urban Dictionary. There is no cure for Urban Dictionary Fever; the infected suffer until they pass out from dehydration or exhaustion. (They also tend to soil themselves because they don’t get up to go to the bathroom.)
Mike: Dude, all Jason’s been doing for the last 14 hours is reading definitions on Urban Dictionary, and he smells like shit.

Matt: I think he has Urban Dictionary Fever.

Mike: Sick dude.
by Dewit May 15, 2009
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Depending on who you are, this is either one; the greatest game console ever, or two; a piece of shit. The 360 is a good game console, and is financially a better choice that the PS3 considering that its a hundred bucks cheaper. On the down side, it has cooling problems, which can lead to the Red Ring of Death.

Their are three different types of the 360 available; the Arcade, which doesn't come with a hard drive, the Pro system which comes with a 60GB hard drive, and the mighty Elite with comes with a nice 120GB hard drive and black finish.

The 360's main competitor is the PS3. Many people seem to think that the PS3 has better graphics, but they are really about the same. The real facts about the PS3 that make it better than the 360 are that it has a lower failure rate and it is slightly more powerful. The 360 is better than the PS3 in the fact that it's cheaper, and has more available games. Overall, each system has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Owning a Xbox 360 can be much like gambling. You're either lucky, or not lucky.
Tim: Wanna play Halo 3?

Frank: Sorry, I can't. My Xbox 360 got the RROD and I just bought it last week!

Tim: Are you serious? I've had mine since it was first released, and it's still running like it's brand new!
by Dewit June 28, 2009
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