2 definitions by DesignerDaddy

Similar to the traditional use of the word when describing someone dressed up as the opposite gender, it can also be used to describe someone dressed in a particular manner, uniform or costume that is contrary to their everyday identity.
I've got on my tuxedo, bow tie and cummerbund — I'm in total prom drag!

I've got on my apron, hair in rollers, doing laundry — I'm in full housewife drag!
by DesignerDaddy August 29, 2013
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A mash-up of squee and queer, communicating a particularly gay or queer level of excitement, excitement expressed specifically by an LGBTQ person, or excitement about something queer.

Extra "e"s can be added to increase level of excitement. Example: "Squeeeeeere!"
I just saw Zac Efron at the supermarket! SQUEERE!
by DesignerDaddy October 1, 2013
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