5 definitions by Definer person who has no life

A snowy, mostly flat region in northern Germany. Pomerania is famous for it's unique breed of dogs, which have proven to be very popular. Pomerania ("Pommerland" in German) is overwhelmingly forested, and is home to many different Animals, including, but not limited to, wolves ,rabbits, and owls. Pomerania Is quite sparsely populated compared to the rest of Germany. The Capital is Danzig and the population roughly 7.1 Million People
Pomerania is a Good place to go sledding or hunting. And is a fine place for a winter lodge. 10/10 Would recommend visiting.
by Definer person who has no life January 22, 2021
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A non Biased description of the republican Party:

The Republican party, also known as the GOP (short for: Grand old Party) Is one of the two major political parties in the United States, Dominating partisan politics along with the Democratic Party. Republicans tend to hold Right Wing, Conservative Beliefs on most issues, like gun rights, Taxes, Secularism, etc. As of 2021, 19 Republicans have served as President. Prominent Republicans (Currently)Include: Donald Trump, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnel, Lindsey Grahm, among others.
Republican: As A Republican, I believe in a strong military, and lower Taxes.
by Definer person who has no life January 27, 2021
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Kazakhstan home of Tinshien swimming pool, it's length 30 meter, width 6 meter, Filtration system a marvel to behold, it remove 80 percent of human solid waste. kazakhstan, industry best in world, we invented toffe, and trouser belt, kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium, other countries have inferior potassium. kazakhstan kazakhstan you very nice place, from plains of tarashek to northern fence of jewtown. Come grasp the mighty penis of our leader, from junction with the testes to tip of its face!!!!!!!!!!!
by Definer person who has no life January 14, 2021
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