2 definitions by Deep Hurting

1. An experience so painful on an intellectual level that it causes physical pain, such as listening to talk radio, conversing with Paris Hilton, reading the novel "Shane", or watching the movie "Hercules Against the Moon Men."

2. The guy who submitted this entry.

Origin: Dr. Clayton Forrester and TV's Frank, "Mystery Science Theater 3000", August 1992.
"Well, Joel, we're introducing a new feature here today. Here's a hint: Remember 'Lost Continent'? Remember 'Rock Climbing'? Ah, who can ever forget 'Rock Climbing', huh Clay? Well, now, along the same lines, we've come up with something new, something we like to call 'Sandstorm'. SAAANDSTORM! It's all part of a new program we like to call 'Deep Hurting'! DEEEP HURTINNGG!!!"
by Deep Hurting February 11, 2007
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1. A fallacious argument used in political debate, similar to a Red Herring or Two Wrongs Make a Right, in which a debater attempts to redirect or downplay negative discussion or criticism of a politician or politicians (frequently Republican) by pointing out something negative about former Democratic President Bill Clinton.

2. A fallacious argument used in political debate, in which a debater erroneously accuses his or her opposition of resorting to the fallacy described in definition 1.
PERSON A: George W. Bush has taken this country into an unwinnable war, driven the federal deficit up to record highs, and has attempted to strip its citizens of their civil liberties.

PERSON B: But Clinton got a blowjob!
by Deep Hurting March 23, 2006
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