3 definitions by Davido

n. A person who works at an agency that supposedly represents models, yet does nothing all day. A modeling agent normally never returns phone calls even when they say they will. They often live vicariously through the models they "work" for. They are often known as the biggest liars amongst society.
"I've called my modeling agent three times today and he hasn't called me back yet! Oh well, I'm not surprised. He's probably been running errands or something."
by Davido May 4, 2006
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sinsacious SIN-SA-CIOUS; sinsacious is a combination of three words, Sin, Insatiable, and Outrageous.
#1. My baby is totally sinsacious.

#2. I would love to get sinsacious with you!

#3. My baby gives me a sinsacious appetite!

#4 Hey baby, let's get sinsacious All Night Long!
by Davido January 25, 2007
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Lasacious: La-sa-cious: Is a combination of three words.

Insatiable: Someone who is always needing more!
Luscious: Hihgly gratifyling. Someone who is voluptuous!
Lascivious: To excite lust!

While I was writing a song, I conjured up the word Lasacious, it just sounded cool, so I decided to use it in my song!

Definition for Lasacious: Someone who is extremely sexy and has an uncontrollable desire. A constant craving. An extreme sexual appetite for lust, but yet cannot be satisfied!
Hey baby, you are so Lasacious it's driving me crazy!

Your so hot, you're making me Lasacious!

Every time you're around I get a Lasacious appetite that I just can't satisfy!

Her legs are so Lasacious, I've got to see them again!
by Davido January 26, 2007
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