3 definitions by Dailymotion.inc

That annoying ad that comes up every other video on Youtube. It is very strange people are paying for this because you can do the same things on Microsoft Word and Google drive. Has been proven to increase ones need for bleach or tide pods down the throat.
retard: oi man who made this stupid grammarly trash?
douche: Clorox
by Dailymotion.inc September 20, 2018
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something that is true, supported by facts and unchangeable.
Jim: Question, what kind of bear is best?

Dwight: That's a ridiculous question.
Jim: False. Black bear.
Dwight: Well, that's debatable. There are basically two schools of thought.
Jim: Fact, bears eat beets.
Dwight: uh-

Jim: Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.
by Dailymotion.inc December 5, 2018
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During destroy dicc december, which is after no nut november people gather around to destroy their nuts. Part of the challenge is to destroy your dick every day at least once.
"Yo bro, are you doing destroy dick december?!"
"Totally man! I've nutted over 3 times!"
by Dailymotion.inc December 3, 2018
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