246 definitions by DJ gs68

1. Japanese for "nerd."
2. A big anime fan. Unfortunately, the name has been disgraced thanks to the large majority of otakus being 240 lb, 30-year-old white men who don't have a life.
by DJ gs68 July 8, 2003
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Homestar: Oh hewwo! I'm Homestar Runner! Line?
Director: Welcome.
Homestar: Welcome! Line?
Director: To.
Homestar: To! Line?
Director: Homestarrunner.com.
Director: Cut!
by DJ gs68 July 24, 2003
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A phrase that shows you really want or are obsessed with something.
I would incinerate myself for 5 second (and be immediately put out after, of course) to go see this movie.
by DJ gs68 July 19, 2003
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1. Milder synonym for hell.
2. A geographic location, right down the fiery hole across the street to be exact.
3. Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMIX.
4. Alabama.
5. Milpitas Golfland. (SVGL is better!)
by DJ gs68 October 20, 2003
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Good god. I'm tired of DDR scrubs who keep playing Afronova on Basic mode.
by DJ gs68 October 2, 2003
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A person who is so stupid that she started at a box of orange juice for 20 minutes because it said "concentrate."
Yo mamma's so stupid, she got hit by a parked car.
by DJ gs68 August 24, 2003
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A retarded robot Chao that gets in your way when you play Sonic Adventure 2.
Hi! I'm Omochao! I'm here to help you!
by DJ gs68 July 23, 2003
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