2 definitions by D-Ferg

A "meaty" or "puffy" vulva. Even swollen like.
A.X.F: Yo bro, I brought this chick home last night and she had the maddest vulva. You know how I can't get off unless it's a meaty one....mmmmmmm Swulva.

Wes: Word.
by D-Ferg June 22, 2010
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A vulva that when blown the correct way can immitate the sound of the vuvuzela.
A.X.F: I was watching the aussies play at the World cup last night and everyone was blowing a vuvuzela except me. Then I remembered I could tote my girl's vulvazela. That shit's twice as loud as there junk.

Wes: Word.
by D-Ferg June 22, 2010
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