3 definitions by Cristov

Something that's the very best, amazing or brilliant.

Something that makes you think Boom - that was awesome!
OMG Five Guys Burgers are the Boomest.

Last night I met the boomest chick.
by Cristov June 18, 2017
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Used to describe someone on Twitter who use flags as a symbol of their political allegiance. Most commonly seen in the great Brexit debate where the losers of the referendum still signal their love an EU they are not part of, and the victors fly the union flag in love for their country.
"Did you hear that Nicola Sturgeon still wants Scotland to fly the EU flag above government buildings even though Scotland isn't in the EU?"

"Wow, that's retarded, what a flagwanker".
by Cristov February 22, 2021
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When you've finished your workout at the gym but then decide to start working on something else briefly.
"That was a good workout bro, shall we grab some food?"

"I might just do a quick set of curls, bonus workout."
by Cristov May 11, 2015
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