7 definitions by Crennaldo

A word which is said when you see a bum asking you for change
"Spare some change guys" DRIFTY!!!
by Crennaldo July 18, 2009
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A way to describe a person who is walking around stoned
Look at that guy across the road he is such a piece of lapswood
by Crennaldo July 17, 2009
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Is a word to describe grabbing the nearest person to you at the end of a night out when you have not got with anyone decent with the idea of having sex with them
Dude its nearly closing time the dj has just put on dont stop believing you better get a four o'clock shuffle quick!
by Crennaldo July 18, 2009
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Is a word to describe a person who goes out of there way to get with ugly people to make themselves feel better or show off to there friends
Josh has turned into such a minger dinger lately
by Crennaldo July 18, 2009
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Hitler elbow is when any person trys to fit there arm inside a womans vagina up to there elbow
That girl is getting a hitler elbow from me!
by Crennaldo July 18, 2009
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