24 definitions by Clayton

Possibly the skankiest kid ever. His dad's a fucking hippy that meets other dirty liberal douches to protest. He wears the exact same clothes as his brothers and he thinks he's better than everyone else.

To show up at someone's house, completely unwanted and just to rot their for hours on end, boring them to death while making the house smell like a fucking sewage treatment plant.
Where's that dirty sphect kid?
by Clayton August 9, 2004
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convenient junction of branches, metallic junk or similar ephemera used by spiders to construct silk traps for the apprehension of flying insects and similar.
"Hey, Arachne darling, check out this web site! Heavy Fly Traffic, low overheads and a sweet view of the park! I love it!"
by Clayton July 14, 2003
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Extremely black and ghetto name, usually used in a stereotypical context
These damn Faquishas come onto my damn subway car and yell at one another and call it a conversation. Must be some kind of jungle technique.
by Clayton April 17, 2004
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