2 definitions by ClapithanozCrizpoz

a power word that can be utilised in multiple occasions for multiple purposes. one of which is to counter attack any valid point an inbred troglodyte may have against you. other occasions where samula can be put into play are when you are in a severe state of weakness or a potentially life threatening situation. chanting each letter summons an army of colon gremlins from the very depths of satans colon. said gremlins wil unleash their wrath and cause an absolute unstoppable shit storm ( pun intended ) on the attacker which will leave their anus stretched and creamed
example 1:

timothy: 12 ÷ 2 IS 6. S I X ! !
Sharon: no it isn't
Timothy: YES IT IS

Sharon: samula
Timothy: *visible defeat and frustration*
by ClapithanozCrizpoz October 10, 2019
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Hardcore clash royale and fortnite gamer. Not as skilled as his daddy tho. Would buy a $2000 graphics card just to play barbie dreamhouse. good looking chad. Wouldn't hurt a fly, but would eat a whole dog
woah look at dominic. he's been playing the sims for 2 whole days now. He's following the path of the Aik Leong
by ClapithanozCrizpoz August 10, 2019
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