4 definitions by Chula Buena

An Andrew can only be an acquaintance but will let you think he can become a friend and by the time you figure Andrew out you just may be in love. Andrews may have Masters in education but will never Master music. Andrews are a master of their appetites for food and wont eat meat, but they can never master their appetite for the meat of the Sea. Andrews are best at mastering their sexual appetites, they love fasting for days on end. An Andrew will most likely never make you laugh, but an Andrew will surely never ever make you cry.
Him: Hey is that an Andrew that just moved into her apartment?
Friend: YeAh, cant you tell look how wet he is, like he just swam a shore!
by Chula Buena October 4, 2021
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A Yaya is the name of a cheating scandalous wife who was once only known as a HaHa, because no-one wanted to keep her as a girlfriend. She wants this one and that one too! She will help you lose all you have and tell you she loves you like a fat kid loves chocolate cake, she will even become a flying monkey and be friends with all your ex's in hopes of eating some of that chocolate cake too. Yaya's can be the greatest fakest friend to your girl so she can show you how loyal she is to the destruction of any union within her city limits. But most definitely the most enduring quality of a Yaya is when they realize their name Yaya is actually short for Bamboozle, she just loves it, and says Haha, and then perfectly rehearsed asks you for another piece of your chocolate cake!
Me: Hey is that Yaya over there with your Man?

you: No, that's your man over there!

Me: Hold this cake, I'll be right back!
by Chula Buena September 19, 2021
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A Dariece is as multi faceted as a black diamond. He is a protector to his friends and beloved family members but dobt get on his bad side or you'll have hell to pay. He is an extraordinary lover but you have to get in line and hope by the time your turn comes that he doesn't push you to the back of the line. His sense of humor is quick with impersonations and vocal outbursts that will leave everyone around him laughing. A Dariece is a man's man and a jack of all trades. He is forever younger then his lovers and will use every excuse in the book to never ever admit to any wrongdoing.
Long D... Willie changed his name: Call Me DARIECE!!
by Chula Buena January 9, 2021
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Sebron is one who is always on the lookout to save an Empress and her Empire from a tyrannical Monkey King. Sebron is a protector and will slay even the dragon for the Empress. There is no such thing as a "Sebron", because he is the one and only. Sebron has a love that fly's to the Empress every morning and kisses her check so softly. Sebron is braver then all the knights in the kingdom and more fierce then all the Monkey Kings of the world combined. Sebron loves the Empress and truly has won her heart.
Empress: Sebron, is that monkey flesh in your teeth?

Sebron: Why Yes it is Empress Maria, can you pass me a toothpick?
by Chula Buena October 12, 2021
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