19 definitions by Chuck Bucket

The wet ass feeling you get from sitting on vinyl folding chairs. Also known as Slippery Butt Syndrome.
Man now i've got a wet spot on my jeans from severe vinyl ass!
by Chuck Bucket February 17, 2005
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When your cum is thick and yellow like mustard.
I had to piss so bad but Lauren wouldn't stop with the head! so when i came all over her face it was mustard nut.
by Chuck Bucket March 1, 2005
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When you're doing a chick in the ass and she gets diarrhea and it squirts out all over the place. Kind of like when you stick your thumb in the end of a hose nozzle and the water shoots out forcefully.
Rich: "So how was fuckin Lauren last night? I could hear it going down in the living room."

Adam: "Well it was good till I stuck it in her ass. Then i got the old Thumb in the Hose Nozzle action and spent the rest of the night cleaning up your leather couches."
by Chuck Bucket May 10, 2005
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What you call a pussy that is dry and furry.
Dude, I went down on Lauren last night and I got cotton balled!
by Chuck Bucket April 14, 2005
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Getting a blowjob whilst taking a shit. The trick is to time the cumshot with the straining of pushing out a giant log. The turd pushing action will give the cumshot the force of a rubber bullet in the back of the unfortunate chick's mouth.
Hey Bob, on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the Bloturd that chick gave you last night with the regular blojob from Neil the other day?

Hey baby, i've gotta take a shit. How bout giving me a Bloturd while we're in there?
by Chuck Bucket February 7, 2005
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