3 definitions by ChillPolecat83

this is the decade where we bring back the 2000's (hopefully after or during ww3). Trump just pulled a George W. Bush and were all fucked. rip osama , get a nokia, save and send files over bluetooth, and lets bring cds back they were pretty good.
2020 is a new start for ius
by ChillPolecat83 January 4, 2020
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Who said penis is a game played by middle and high schoolers. You get a group of 2 or more people in a quiet classroom. You each take turns saying "penis", each time its said the next person has to said it louder. Eventually the teacher will turn and ask "Who said penis?". Last person to say it and get caught loses.
I've been playing who said penis instead of studying during detention.
by ChillPolecat83 December 23, 2019
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