2 definitions by Carnivorous Pencil

Attainability delusion

When a streamer's audience (usually male) fool themselves into thinking the streamer (usually female) can be attained for a relationship as long as she is single. This delusion is shattered when she reveals she is in a relationship, which, consequently, leads to indignant backlash by the horde of disappointed men.
Streamer: I have a boyfriend, guys!
Delusional man: Ohmahgerd but I thought you were mine.
Streamer: Sorry to shatter your attainability delusion, but you should've known better.
Delusional man: *proceeds to report all her accounts*
by Carnivorous Pencil March 10, 2020
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Occam's Hairy Dildo

A rule that, like Occam's Razor, requires you to favor the simplest explanations over the complex ones, but with the addition of also favoring the sexiest explanations over the mundane ones. An explanation of a thing is using Occam's Hairy Dildo if and only if simplification and sexualization are paired together into a beautiful, explanatory nutsack.
Student: Hey professor, can you please explain that notion using Occam's Hairy Dildo, because it's a little hard for me to grasp without visual aides.

Professor: Hell yea! I got you, fam.
by Carnivorous Pencil February 19, 2021
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