3 definitions by Carina Crolla

When a women watches either a really scary film or a bit in a film which has a tense or climatic part to it, tends to clench her fanny together tight from excitment and nerves. The women may also squeeze her thighs tighly and also her asre cheeks too.
' Oh my god i couldnt keep still watching that film, it was so fanny clenching'
by Carina Crolla February 16, 2005
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One who dresses like a tramp, food stains down t shirt, ripped old smelly dirty trainers, stale jeans, and untidy hair. Also can used to describe someone after doing a dirty (horrible) act.
' I got up this morning after going to bed with my clothes on and went to the shops, i looked like a fucking skeg'

'Did you see that nasty bitch drop her food on the floor then pick it up and eat it, the dirty skeg!'
by Carina Crolla February 16, 2005
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A women who secretes milky gunk from her nipples, if left for a few days its smells like mouldy cheese, therefore the term cheese tits is born.
' Oh my god, i got with this girl last night and her cheese tits made me sick man'
by Carina Crolla February 16, 2005
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