2 definitions by CaptainZade

Some Finnish dweeb on the internet yelling at noobs or "Potatoes" as he calls them and raging about while playing the "Thinking Man's Action Game", world of warships.
Person 1: Yo do you know about this Flamu guy? His streams are funny af.
Person 2: You mean Flambass?
Person 3: Ha, Flambass? More like Flamu's Ass, get it?
Person 2: -visible confusion- ???
by CaptainZade May 12, 2020
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Something you say when an object is broken and you're sad.
Person 1: You still up to play video games?
Person 2: I am but I can't right now because of my PC.
Person 1: What happened?
Person 2: It brokey. :(
by CaptainZade November 2, 2022
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