10 definitions by Canada street's in the bldg.

Researching Treacher-Collins syndrome at the National Craniofacial Associaton's website, I found out that the syndrome, also called mandibulofacial dysostosis, causes facial anomolies and sometimes speech and hearing problems. It does not cause a tendency to "act retarded", "moo and stuff" or "take dumps everywhere". ben, I would diagnose your condition as the results of INBREEDING, rather than a case of Treacher Collins syndrome.
ben lynch has never been to Canada street, has no idea what he's dribbling off at the mouth about, and is the type of white racist scumwad who is resentful of anyone and everyone with a full set of teeth, the ability to walk upright, and a normal-sized penis.
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Someone suffering from the sickness of pedophilia (see my definition of pedophilia)
pedophiles and their ACLU cheerleaders, whine and bitch about how it's O.K. for adults to be sexually attracted to children. It is not. Parents and their allies (including the---*gasp!*---Christians) are watching you. NOT IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD, SICKO.
by Canada street's in the bldg. December 12, 2006
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number of definitions for the word fucktard. I shit you not. Its alternate spelling, fucktart has only 8 as of yet. The term was originally clever, but became monotonous after about the umpteenth definition, when people started defining it with the names of people they wanted to dis.
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