5 definitions by COCPLAYER

memes that redditors love based on a Video Game Called Minecraft
I just killed a Baby Villager - Someone

Someone's Friend - Hell yeah, let's play Minecraft

the hell is Minecraft? - Someone
A Minecraft Meme
by COCPLAYER March 7, 2022
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i zhink its uhhh, CLash of CLans but with kbhuumm
Child A: I am playing with Child Bs Coc
by COCPLAYER December 17, 2021
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Knackenbrecker is a sex position which you lay on the toilet with your stomache and well, bang someone in the toilet.
I would reccomend doing the Knackenbrecker with your partner, Marriage will be forever now.
by COCPLAYER January 6, 2023
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Candace Gertrude Flynn is the 15-year-old sister of Phineas Flynn and the step-sister of Ferb Fletcher. The eldest child of the Flynn-Fletcher household, she spends large portions of her time striving, but never succeeding to get her brothers in trouble for the things they do every day.

A more successful venture that sometimes clashes with or overrides her need to bust her brothers, is her infatuation with Jeremy Johnson. While she isn't doing these, she would often be seen conversing on the phone, or hanging out with Stacy Hirano and less often Jenny Brown, where she usually talks about Jeremy or tries to recruit their help in busting her brothers.
Someone: hey have you heard Candace?
Someone again: no, who is Candace?
Someone: oh let me explain, Candace is the 15-year-old sister of Phineas Flynn and the step-sister of Ferb Fletcher. The eldest child of the Flynn-Fletcher household, she spends large portions of her time striving, but never succeeding to get her brothers in trouble for the things they do every day.
Someone: ok
by COCPLAYER March 7, 2022
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Cod is the common name for the demersal fish genus Gadus, belonging to the family Gadidae.
and i think it is uhm mobile game idkkk im not a gamer or so, people call me boomer too, what does that mean??
I love eating Cod
how can you eat a mobile game?????
I mean the fucking fish moreon
oh sorry
by COCPLAYER December 17, 2021
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