5 definitions by CALLAHAN

Someone (A Chode, most likely a sweaty one), who does not know how to pronounce words correctly, would say tooterolls instead of the word said Chode meant to say, which is tutorials.
Chode: Dude, I need some serious help, I'm a sweaty who can't speak right.

Callahan: Maybe you should read some tutorials.

Chode: Some tooterolls, sounds GREAT!
by CALLAHAN May 18, 2004
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A place that wishes it was New York City. People from Upstate often get offended when people refer to New York City simply as "New York" because it makes them feel left out.
Everything north of New York's suburbs is Upstate New York. UPSTATE IS NOT 'EVERYTHING NORTH OF ALBANY' b/c New York is the capital of the world and nobody cares about upstate, face it already!!!
by CALLAHAN May 20, 2004
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it’s a word that can mean anything. anything at all. it can be an adjective or a verb or an insult or a noun or whatever. the catch is, no one knows what it means.
that is fleshskrit
by CALLAHAN February 12, 2021
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The truth: The East Coast has better food, culture, architecture, and historical significance, while the West Coast has better weather.
Californians should all jisatsusuro
by CALLAHAN May 20, 2004
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