14 definitions by Burning blue soul

Description of the furious and enraged state of a woman when she can't get her own way

Also known as "throwing a wobbler"
Husband "How is my wife Doctor? The nurse told me she has snapped a quim string"

Doctor "After the news you broke to her about missing your wedding anniversary to go on a fishing trip with your buddy's, I would say Katia is doing as well as can be expected. She has completely snapped her 3rd, 4th and 5th quim strings, 1 and 2 or hanging by a thread. It may be weeks...months even before re-attachment"
by Burning blue soul March 1, 2017
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A generic term for a gentleman to open and enthusiastically lick out the insides of a ladies 'vertical biscuit'.

Can sometimes be accompanied by dunking it in milk and saying mmmm mmmm a lot!!!
"Hi sthephan"

"Hey man, what's wrong with your voice?"

"My tongue is thucked"

"Why, what's happened to you"

"I wath up all yethterday night opening an oreo!! Gunna give my puthy licking a retht for a few dayth now!!"
by Burning blue soul January 15, 2017
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A Gentleman's romantic term for performing oral sex on a lady.

Best not used verbally in said ladies company during coitus as she may take unreasonable offence that could potentially spoil the mood somewhat, with a risk of the daft cow snapping a quim string and cutting short the Gentleman's enjoyment completely.

Women, eh?
"How did you get on with that girl last night mate?"

"I had her glistening by 9 o'clock, I warmed her up nicely to gash mark 4 and then went down for the gravy"
by Burning blue soul June 22, 2017
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Car cock

An inexplicable throbbing 'diamond cutter' of an erection whilst driving, without any internal or external sexual encouragement or stimulation. The 'car cock' situation can arrive unannounced and last for an unspecified time frame that leaves the afflicted unable to extricate himself from the vehicle until he is back to a socially acceptable state (or until a willing passenger has "assisted" in reducing the inflammation).

This condition has also been known to occur as "doctors waiting room cock" and "about to stand up to make a speech in front of your work colleagues and management team cock" or very rarely as "about to meet the new girlfriends parents in a restaurant for the first time cock"
"Im sorry kids, we cant sit inside Crunchy Fried Chicken today, we are gonna have to go to the drive thru......daddies got car cock"
by Burning blue soul January 8, 2017
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1. The happy free-spirited state of a newly erect penis.

2. To be annoyed with someone or something.

3. Not to be confused with " to get a chubby ONE " that refers to pairing up for the evening with a larger lady/ gentleman.
1. "I'm not bothering to come out tonight Katerina, I'm gonna stay home and watch 3D cartoon Incest porn and get a chubby on".

2. "Those girls in the accounts Dept really are getting me a chubby on "

3. "I've had enough of skinny women for now , it's like fucking a wish bone. I'm gonna get me a chubby one tonight "
by Burning blue soul February 22, 2017
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A term to describe the uncontainable happiness of a human male shown in the proud stance of his genitalia.
"Terry, get your grandad off the dance floor please"

"He's not causing any harm mate, just throwing some shapes, leave him be"

"He's dancing with all the girls and he's got wood, he's gonna take someone's eye out with it"

"Fuck!! Not again"
by Burning blue soul January 16, 2017
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An exclamation of encouragement from a gentleman to a female friend when she is endeavouring to achieve a goal.
1. "Oh yeah! Oh..oh yeah..yeah...yeah..there, yeah...thats right, work it baby...work it..yeeeeaahh!!
by Burning blue soul March 27, 2017
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