4 definitions by Burgundy

An low grade degenerate that deserves less respect than trash.
Evan is a singist

You’re a singist”
by Burgundy May 17, 2019
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The floret comprised of single dollar bills that is pinned to a young (usually African American) girl's shirt on her birthday. The dollar bills are given to her throughout the day as gifts from her friends, and added to the "bow." If she is well loved, she will have a nice sized "ghetto bow" at the end of the night.
"Lakeisha will be able to get her nails did with the money she got from her birthday ghetto bow."
by Burgundy August 21, 2007
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The floret comprised of single dollar bills that is pinned to a young (usually African American) girl's shirt on her birthday. The dollar bills are given to her throughout the day as gifts from her friends, and added to the "bow." If she is well loved, she will have a nice sized "ghetto bow" at the end of the night.
"Lakeisha will be able to get her nails did with the money she got from her birthday ghetto bow."
by Burgundy August 26, 2007
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Any wad of ground meat shaped like a turtle and adorned with bacon.
I can't wait to go to Erica's house tonight, she's making a Nebulone with mashed potatoes and green beans!!!!!
by Burgundy March 24, 2010
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