2 definitions by Buddhist Gnostic

A religion that was practiced exclusively by the Roman hierarchy between 200-400 CE. It was the state religion for a short time before Christianity recieved it's backing from Constantine. Mithraism centered around a figure named Mithra who was born from a rock, had twelve disciples, taught Baptism and Eucharist, and was crucified. Like Christianity it had seven central rituals called sacraments. The two main sacraments were Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Ironically, Christianity ended up dominating the empire because it was backed by the Mithraic, Constantine.
Christianity borrowed a lot from Mithraism.
by Buddhist Gnostic May 12, 2009
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A mystic philosophy taught by Jesus of Nazareth. This philosophy contains the true teachings of Jesus, who seems to have been highly influenced by Buddhist philosophy. The central book in the Gnostic canon seems to have been the Gospel of Thomas. The Gospel of Thomas was written somewhere between the years of 50-90 CE. Gnosticism teaches that God is only good, but that humans view Him as bad because of the delusions of error. Jesus claimed to be teaching God with these delusions removed, which show God in a much more loving and gentle light then the Jewish scriptures. Gnosticism in ancient times had Bishops just like Catholicism. These Bishops called themselves "One Holy Church", just like the Catholics. It would appear that the Church hijacked many things from the Gnostics and then sought to destroy them and their texts. Gnosticism has seen a revival since the discovery of the Nag Hammadi library. Gnosticism is growing within Christianity at any incredible rate.
by Buddhist Gnostic May 13, 2009
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