2 definitions by Brosalie

The act of painstakingly clicking each of your dried up Farmville plots after mere hours of harmless neglect. Annoying.

Note: Often times a change in disposition is accompanied with defallownation. Most commonly, Farmville players are left grumpy, disgruntled, frustrated, unhappy, etc.
I have to click every single individual plot of land.
And watch my farmguy run around.
And to defallownate my land, it costs me money. What the hell? It’s like Farmville wants to make you feel AS crappy as possible for actually having a life.
by Brosalie October 21, 2009
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An intoxicated state that one may experience after consuming ridiculous amounts of popular culture.
Joey: I just watched seven seasons of 'Friends' in one sitting and I'm starting to feel funny. Do you think that's normal?
Phoebe: Oh yeah, you're probably just pop wasted.
by Brosalie February 21, 2015
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