62 definitions by Braveheart's thirst for blood

A legal document stating that you should stop doing something, written in legalese and with the threat of taking you to court. A cease & desist letter.
When they released the FooCat :CueCat barcode scanner decrypting software, DigitalConvergence sent them a nastygram. My neighbor's lawyer sent me a nastygram telling me that my son is playing his Satanic non-music too loud and drawing pentagrams using plant food on his lawn, and will sue me for $666,666.00 if he doesn't quit.
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1. A fanboy term for the Nintendo Gameboy Advance.
2. Said of a man who devotes all of his life's cpu cycles to being the gayest thing going. Talks with a lisp and is all over the other boys. A young gay man who's severely 'advanced' into the gay stage.
1. "You still playing that gay boy advance? They got PSP now!"
2. "That paragon is such a gay boy advance. He keeps making suggestive motions toward the elementalists with his spear."
by Braveheart's thirst for blood January 13, 2007
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A secondhand account of complaint, usually from a person of authority, or by someone who's the teacher's pet (if at school). A sentence of doom. Can happen if you've been sexually harrassing the teacher's daughter, sticking aluminum foil into electrical outlets, shoplifting, etc.
"Someone tells me you've been putting foil in the outlets at school. If you don't respect electicity, I can't let you have electronics in your room." "Someone tells me you've been mooning the principal. Don't you know you can get arrested for that?"
by Braveheart's thirst for blood January 13, 2007
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Referring to the event of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He was nailed to a cross (standard Christian) or a stake (Jehovah's Witness).
Today's kids don't realize how friendly Jesus is because they've never seen Christ on a stick and they don't know how much he suffered.
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Another one of the sentences of doom. Usually said by your boss after you swiped too many xerox copies or pens from the office, or by your parents when your report card/behavior is not up to snuff.
"Lately you have been throwing pencils in the asbestos ceiling tiles at school. The police are going to investigate this as a death threat. We need to talk!"
by Braveheart's thirst for blood January 13, 2007
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Suggested lyrics for a death-metal song which should be played on a spark transmitter which spams the entire radio area of the electromagnetic spectrum, and puritanical dictators heads will be strapped to the biggest, loudest speaker at the metal concert until they get the concept of true freedom through their lead-shielded skull.
<guitar strum> "nappy-headed ho! opression rots! nappy-headed ho!" <screaming anti-praise for Satan> "the joy and righteousness of selling Cuban cigars to 10 year olds!"<etc>.

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A beauty pageant held in a forest, usually around the end of daylight savings time, where everyone featured is required to arrive there naked. A portmanteu of pagan and pageant (however, some pagans are less cycle-accurate and wear clothes)
"Tira and Morgana went to the pagant and almost forgot to not wear clothes." "After receiving their WICcan checks, Nefeteri and Hrothgar decided to go to the pagant to spend the money on Burger King scented incense and candles."
by Braveheart's thirst for blood January 13, 2007
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