4 definitions by Bolshoe Kino

King of the pimps. Even the greatest of men fear this specimen. Scares Chuck Norris, named his mother, frightened the Rock so bad they renamed him Pebbles , when he dies he’ll bury the Undertaker, he can see John Cena, make Arnold Schwarzenegger look like a twig, dripped so hard he made Niagra Falls, he single handedly defeated the Red Army with one arm, the cccp actually stood for Chulainn Can Cream Pie, he once dropped 50+ points on Michael Jordan in five minutes, uses google maps to measure his Shlong, he make a Hummer look like a a Fiat 500 sitting in it, He once snorted all of Pablos cocaine in an hour and it didn’t faze him, took an uppercut from Mike Tyson and broke his hand, in a brief summary he is a FUCKING UNIT!!!.
I just impregnated 100 girls.

You are such a Chulainn
by Bolshoe Kino August 22, 2020
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To be crippled by a gimp
What happened to you?

I was Gimpled
by Bolshoe Kino November 27, 2022
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An annoying piece of shit that follows you around like shit on your shoe, makes weird noises and has less brain function than a stroke victim.
Shut the fuck up you are like The Ape in the Cape
by Bolshoe Kino November 23, 2022
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The one true God, master of the universe, King of Kings, creator of fried chicken, the Jamody Knights, the UUUC and enemy of Gordon Ramsey
All hail Jamod
by Bolshoe Kino November 23, 2022
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