19 definitions by Bobby the Bug Man

When you've taken a large, stinky dump in the office bathroom, finished up, opened the door and presented yourself at the sink and have been identified as the culprit of the most ridiculous aroma imaginable.
Dude, I was blowing up the toilet in the men's bathroom and someone came in and started choking like they needed CPR. When I came out for the reveal, I realized it was our boss!
by Bobby the Bug Man August 1, 2020
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When you've taken a large, stinky dump in the office bathroom, finished up, opened the door and presented yourself at the sink and have been identified as the culprit of the most ridiculous aroma imaginable.
Dude, I was blowing up the toilet in the men's bathroom and someone came in and started choking like they needed CPR. When I came out for the reveal, I realized it was our boss!
by Bobby the Bug Man August 1, 2020
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When you've been constipated for a few days and sit on the toilet to shit, but are unable to produce a log.
I was sitting on the shitter and things ended with a ghost wipe and a clean flush. That struggle plug almost gave me a stroke!
by Bobby the Bug Man August 22, 2020
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When you put off taking a shit for so long that your farts go from smelling like typical gas to just pure shit as the air upon release passes over and around a gigantic turd.
Who the fuck just shit themselves?? "Sorry, that was me. It was just a procrastifart. I'm good."
by Bobby the Bug Man August 25, 2020
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When you grab a woman by the pussy and then fuck her in the ass.
"I did something presidential last night." Oh yeah, what was that? "I gave your mom the stormy." You're a fucking banker rim licker. Fuck you!
by Bobby the Bug Man October 22, 2020
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