3 definitions by BingoIsaac

a repeating loop where you get an idea, talk about it with friends, abandon the project, and then start a new idea
A: I'm gonna make a game!
(5 years later)
B: Hey what about that game you were talking about before?
A: Oh, I abandoned it 30 seconds after getting the idea.
B: You dirty slut, try not to follow the rules of the deserter paradox next time.
by BingoIsaac April 7, 2023
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A: This guy has Shadow Client!! HOW!?!??!
B: because he's a mole dumbass
by BingoIsaac April 7, 2023
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a person who busts their pants whenever they see a person that has something related to the victim's fetish
A: Damn! Those feet were amazing!
B: Calm down you little bustle.
by BingoIsaac April 7, 2023
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