4 definitions by BiggieSqueeze

Fucking stupid truck from Ubisoft's racing game, The Crew.
I drove my cumster truck into an orphanage, fuckers stood no chance.
by BiggieSqueeze September 1, 2021
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stop posting about amogus. every day it's amogus and BALLER. run while your filthy, heathen legs still work.
damn that sure is a sus way to act with that fat ass, richard.
by BiggieSqueeze December 14, 2022
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A great place to learn target shooting.

What're they gonna do? Tell their parents "ow ow, i am being shot"?
A: "Took my wife to the orphanage."
B: "Damn, what was your K:D?"
A: "32:0."
by BiggieSqueeze March 16, 2023
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