50 definitions by Big steve

Someone or something originating or belonging to the immediate environment; short for local.
by Big steve September 4, 2003
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A woman (from the appearance of pubic hair); Pubic hair
Lets leave -- there's no wool in this club -- it's boy's town.
by Big steve September 5, 2003
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To perform intercourse with a woman, especially upon one who was previously unkown
Did you see that honey at the bar? I worked her silly last weekend.
by Big steve September 10, 2003
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Sounds created by using your throat and pronouncing "cla".
Yad kicked hiatus in the airsoft battle, and screamed his famous battle cry, "CLA CLA CLA!"
by Big steve December 4, 2004
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When a woman goes agro and bobs her head back and forth and her chin in and out, with big angy eyes and losts of noise coming out of her mouth. Piss off a woman and you'll see it yourself.
She thought I cut her off in line at the supermarket and got the chicken neck.
by Big steve July 9, 2004
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Something an idiot says just before making a comment that proves the idiot is, in fact, a racist.
I'm not racist, but goddam these niggers!
by Big steve August 6, 2004
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A chin dimpled like a walnut, when a person is crying or about to.
Q: Did he cry?
A: No, but he had walnut chin.
by Big steve July 9, 2004
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