4 definitions by Bharat Bhushan

Brother-Fucker. Slang for slutty girls who show off to be the most innocent ones.
She is one big Bhaichod. Hindi: "Sali bahot Bhaichod hai"
by Bharat Bhushan January 17, 2004
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Cheapskate, Low man. (Musculin) Lit: who repairs the shoes or does menial jobs. Used for anyone acting cheap.
Man are you chamar? who asked you to hit that girl?
by Bharat Bhushan January 17, 2004
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She's the aulad of that banker, why else would she smash her car and still laugh?
by Bharat Bhushan January 17, 2004
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To screw. Mess with. Dutch use it most often in casual manner, though now famous in Europe as well.
Neuken in de keuken met mien Schatje. - Dutch. , Don't ever neuken with that pussy.
by Bharat Bhushan January 17, 2004
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