23 definitions by BelgainDSoul

In computing:
a series of computers connected together, in order to exchange worddata/word or wordinformation/word.

A bigger and public network is the wordinternet/word
"I'm setting up a network for my company."
"I wonder wherever cellphones wont disturb my wireless network."
by BelgainDSoul August 12, 2003
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Short for C Plus Plus (C++)
A object orientated programming language which followed up on the C programming language.

Also the extention of a source file for a program to be compiled by a codecompiler/code.
eg; Hello.cpp

"CPP is spitting out all these wierd errors, wooaaahh!"
by BelgainDSoul August 12, 2003
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For about 90% of internet-users the matrix is defined in Winuser.h

For about 9% of the very same population, the matrix is reality.

For the rest of that population, the matrix is a two-dimensional array.

Outside that population it's a Scifi/fantasy movie.
"Well, how do I rotate a that vector again? I so wished I remembered my calculations with matrices better."
by BelgainDSoul December 20, 2003
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In computing:
A program designed to multiplicate and spread itself over networks.

Most are designed to destroy the systems they encounter, after they used it to 'breed'.
(eg. using contacts, emails, ... found on a system)

The damage; mostly just wordsoftware/word which needs to be re-installed.
The sollution: a wordvirusscanner/word
"I opened an email titled 'I love you', and screwed up my puter."
"LMAO, desperate eh?"
by BelgainDSoul August 12, 2003
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"What graca did you get?"
by BelgainDSoul August 12, 2003
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A group of persons who misuse computer knowlegde to gain access to a computing system, leaving a trail of destruction behind.

Mostly confused with the term wordhacker/word, hackers/word.

A cracker would also design software like a wordcrack/word, wordtrojan/word or wordvirus/word.

Mostly in the desire to spread fear and feel powerfull, intelligent; in reality seeking attention, status from fellow 'crackers'.

See also wordscriptkiddie/word
by BelgainDSoul August 8, 2003
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Slang for the term "Daddy fucker", which identifies you as a female who has sexual intercourse with your father. (as opposed to being a male, having intercourse with your mother, or "mofo" - "Mother Fucker".)
"Hey, you. Dafo! You are the fashizzle!"
by BelgainDSoul August 25, 2004
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