3 definitions by Beatrix_hanzo

A persona in all of us. It is the essence of cool. Rock and Roll--RNR, personified. The goal of any single man on a date is to be Jick Nagger. Derived from Mick Jagger, but with an "N" because it's cooler.
Man, I am about to meet that hot lady. She ain't gonna know whether to shit or call home when she meets jick nagger.
by Beatrix_hanzo October 21, 2016
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Cockjectivity—when you meet a woman and the dick says yes louder than anything else can say no!
Bro, I don't know about this girl. She is awesome: body like Athena. I'm going on cockjectivity and that is saying: yes!
by Beatrix_hanzo April 8, 2016
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