4 definitions by Bat Chain Puller

'Cush' rhymes with 'bush'.
The act of having sex.
'I saw you leaving the bar with that nice jam tart last night. Did you end up getting a bit of shufty cush ?'
A variation is 'shufty zubrick'.
by Bat Chain Puller March 21, 2008
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1. It can apparently mean 'bloody', 'fucking', 'damned', crappy', 'shithouse', etc.
2. It can also be used as a subsitiute for 'damn!'
1. 'Where'd you go and put that dad burn wrench, Clovis?'
2. 'Well, dad burn it if little Mayella ain't a all-growed-up woman now. How old is she? 'leven?'
by Bat Chain Puller March 21, 2008
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'Geez, I fancy a bit of shufty zubrick after that excellent vindaloo.'
by Bat Chain Puller March 21, 2008
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1. adj. resembling another person whose name is Gordon, or even Gardiner.
2. sb. a person who resembles another person whose name is Gordon, or even Gardiner.
1. 'He looks a bit gordonish in that light, doesn't he?'
2. 'Uh-oh, here comes old Gordonish. Quick, cross the road.'
by Bat Chain Puller March 21, 2008
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