11 definitions by Barney

Someone who spends more time cleaning the toilet and making it perfect for themselves than actually being on the toilet
You are such a toilet perfectionist
by Barney March 26, 2016
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To shart is an act of pooping and farting, usually the mixture coming out of your gluteus maximus area of muscle, this can be quite embarrasing when done in public and usually happens after injesting mc donalds or taco bell
Axel: mhmmm.. i dont feel so good after that taco bell

Annie: just take some pepto bismol
Axel: *sharts

Anna: ew...
by Barney September 26, 2023
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6 cans or bottles - usually beer or soda.

see also sixer
I started out the night by drinking a six pack.
by Barney March 16, 2004
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