5 definitions by Barclay

Someone who has dull legs, a protective middle, and gets progressively sharper from there up. Occasionally paired with a shield-like person, that is, one who is round and made of steel.
"Wow, he's quite a Knife-Like Person. I tried to pet him, and now I don't have any fingers.'
by Barclay November 22, 2004
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Samantha is a funny ass hoe who tells everyone to kill themselves. She acts confident but is very insecure, and everyone loves her sarcastic personality.
Hey, what’s up Samantha?”
Samantha: “Kill yourself
by Barclay November 22, 2021
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Tits that stay in place, no saggage.
My she has some nice perky breasts.
by Barclay December 16, 2004
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Lucas is the emotional support and Anabelle is just the idiot that does things that ruin her life. They’re both huge dorks that no one likes. Lucas is cool, Anabelle is gay- but they’re meant to be.
Yo, is that anabelle and Lucas?

*Anabelle trying to eat a duck while lucas hits her with a bagpipe*

Oh yeah, that’s them alright.
by Barclay November 22, 2021
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