9 definitions by Barbra Brando

Franzoi is a term for someone who is part of a really sick, cool, or violent gang. Also can be another name for calling someone a hypebeast.
Yo that gang is so Franzoi!

That person always wears expensive clothing, he is a franzoi.
by Barbra Brando April 21, 2018
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When your mom keeps at yelling at you because you have been playing on the PS4 for to long and blasting EDM music.
Daniel: Mom give me five more minutes I will come upstairs soon. Stop having a barbruh moment
by Barbra Brando November 26, 2019
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The evil yet lovable pig character from PewDiePie's Minecraft series
by Barbra Brando November 27, 2019
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A man who enjoys fishing more than women. He is a great fisherman who has sailed the roughest sea's and is a forgotten war hero. Frank Conte now lives a simply live going to fishing tournaments in Ontario, Canada
Hey have you heard of the forgotten war hero Frank Conte, I heard he lives in Carstad
by Barbra Brando October 30, 2019
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When custy ass lice infested cat hair gets in ur shitty ass watered down mashed potatoes that have no flavor
These taste like cat mash potatoes they are f**Ken nasty

Gabe is a waste yute
by Barbra Brando March 6, 2019
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A word that describes someone and how bad they are at something
Your so junky at sports

You did a junky job

Hey junky
by Barbra Brando June 29, 2018
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Daniel: I'm gonna throw a screwdriver

Gabe: please lord daniel conte I beg for mercy
Daniel: shut up green gay
by Barbra Brando November 30, 2019
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