4 definitions by BadMage


A way to show displeasure or sadness online
Your house got robbed while you were away dude!
by BadMage April 1, 2024
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Autism Gooner Gang

A new layer of hell disguised as a group chat comprised of fat jokes, gay jokes and plenty of nazi jokes.

Notable members: Wizard, Moon, Mage, Skittle and Frank.
Abbreviation: AGG
Fellow #1: "Have you seen the Autism Gooner Gang leaks!?"
Fellow #2: "Of course! it seems like an entire layer of hell!"
by BadMage May 8, 2024
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Magister Fuller

The savior of Latin, Greek and Roman culture. A true hero of our generation
Tim: Hey, who's your favorite teacher?
Bob: Magister Fuller
by BadMage March 19, 2024
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The reverse/opposite of the word GYAT, used for disrespect and insults.
Friend 1: Wow look at them!
Friend 2: FIAT!
by BadMage February 20, 2024
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