4 definitions by BIGSKUUB

When you think you see a ghost , but it’s really just a living person
I was the victim of a fruisé last weekend
by BIGSKUUB December 29, 2022
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(V) To pass out, faint, upon standing after smoking marijuana in a seated position
Brian dhelemed down the stairs after taking a huge bong hit
by BIGSKUUB December 29, 2022
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A competition between friends where an award is given out, generally to the person who had sex with the most questionable person that year
Tony won courage of the year in 2017 for having sex with a Tijuana prostitute
by BIGSKUUB December 29, 2022
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(V) to jump a fence using only your hands, propelling the rest of your body over it

Made popular by TVs Dylan McKay on Beverly Hills, 90210
by BIGSKUUB December 29, 2022
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