2 definitions by BIGBOIIIIIIIIII


In a videogame, when a person chooses to have their graphics settings on the lowest possible setting in order to maximize their own performance, and minimize frame drops.

ULQ can also be used to an advantage, where some higher graphics settings can add unnecessary objects that can block or impair vision. Sometimes these players receive backlash for doing so, as it's seen as a try-hard thing
Player 1: I use ULQ because my pc doesn't do well with the higher quality settings and I don't want to have my frames drop occasionally.

Player 2: I use ULQ in order to gain an advantage over my opponents, albeit minimal.
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Usually the thing people read when their either bored or it’s a “hobby
James: Hey dude have you read the Harry Potter books yet?

Mark: What’s a Harry Potter, I play video games
by BIGBOIIIIIIIIII August 14, 2018
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