20 definitions by B247E

The belief after watching a film that it could be real life. Most well known cases are the matrix (the belief that we are all in a game) and inception (the belief that we are all dreaming and everything is inside the mind of the person believing this). Most cases are harmless fun for kids but can lead to a warped perception of real life (people thinking inception is real have killed themselves in the belief that they will wake up afterwards in the real world)
Robs gone mad after watching inception. He keeps waking sleeping people up with a 'kick' to bring them back up one dream level & thinking he can act like an idiot cos hes dreaming!" "I know! Major case of filmception
by B247E August 21, 2010
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When something looks small from the outside but is much larger inside. Definition derives from Dr Who's Tardis.
That house looks tiny but is huge inside!

Must be the Tardis effect.
by B247E January 18, 2012
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When someone gets a kill/killstreak which exites the players team leading to lots of screaming/grunting/various praisings of god
*team* - OMG! OMG! you see that kill! O M G! "chill mates, dont teamgasm!"
by B247E August 19, 2010
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Products made by Apple with the infamous 'i' added to the name to make it seem cooler. the products are used by the tech savvy and mindless sheep alike. Istuff are great products unfortunately ruined by the companies chosen limitations.
"Natalie doesnt mind wasting her money on istuff even if similar products are cheaper. Just another sheep following the i".
by B247E March 19, 2010
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Nat I've been telling you for 10 days now I wont give you my Apad as much as you want it so just SUFO.
by B247E August 19, 2010
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code for cannabis used around adults and people kept from knowlege of blazin
lets go and have some sweets
got any wrappers? skins
by B247E January 2, 2005
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