12 definitions by AwesomeGamer22

1. A defence in ScrapTD which shoots six times as fast as Airstrike, but six times the DPS as well and costs more.

2. (Informal) A painful act or state.
"I got eight Double Pains and it can defend Danger Zone decently well with one or two Blue Lasers."

"That was a double pain which I got injured in the foot."
by AwesomeGamer22 January 14, 2023
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1. A defence from ScrapTD which specialises at taking down barrels with high-damage bullets (e.g. Billboard) but doesn't target air barrels.

2. (Slang) A submachine-gun.
"I placed 2 Shooting Boxes and those ground barrels were no problemo for me except for Lurid Layered."

"I used the shooting box and killed 3 soldiers during World War III".
by AwesomeGamer22 January 14, 2023
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1. A defence in ScrapTD which fires a powerful laser which does huge damage against ground barrels.

2. A plasmatic laser.
"I placed down 8 Blue Lasers and it shredded most Mobile Deliveries that came out against me."

"Blue Laser seems pretty powerful albeit but also hot."
by AwesomeGamer22 January 14, 2023
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A game by Schrott Games which you have to merge barrels to produce more scrap, and upgrades to reach higher Barrels and gain Magnets along with other resources later on!
"Scrap Clicker 2 is actually not a bad game if nothing's available for me."
by AwesomeGamer22 January 14, 2023
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1. A barrel in Scrap Clicker 2 which is the 105th barrel in the game.

2. A barrel in ScrapTD which moves incredibly fast and has high HP which can somehow run through your defences.

3. (Informal) A delivery.
"Mobile Delivery was hard for me to obtain though, but I finally got it after prestiging for Golden Scrap after like 3 hours."

"Dang, Mobile Delivery is a broken barrel and it needs nerfing because it always runs past my defences!"

"My mobile delivery has finally came after 2 days!"
by AwesomeGamer22 January 14, 2023
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1. A barrel in Scrap Clicker 2 which is the first barrel you'll obtain early on from barrel spawns.

2. A barrel in ScrapTD which is the first barrel you can send to your opponent during the early game, but is super cheap and isn't very strong.
"Circle Blue is everyone's first unlocked barrel in SC2 because how it's the first you can obtain throughout the barrel hierarchy."

"Circle Blue is only used for scrap production early game and upgrading it is only for XP purposes."
by AwesomeGamer22 January 21, 2023
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A defence in ScrapTD which is the first defence that you get, and the first which you get to defend barrels like Circle Blue early-game.
"2 or 3 Square Blues can defend up to Square Pink before you can get a Gatling Gun to pretty much defend those barrels."
by AwesomeGamer22 January 14, 2023
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