2 definitions by Arunabh Das Three

According to the Museum of Media History - The "Evolving Personalized Information Construct" is the system by which our sprawling, chaotic mediascape is filtered, ordered and delivered. Everyone contributes now - from blog entries, to phone-cam images, to video reports, to full investigations. Many people get paid too - a tiny cut of Googlezon's immense advertising revenue, proportional to the popularity of their contributions.
The evolving personalized information construct is so going to feature on xkcd.
by Arunabh Das Three June 14, 2008
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the process of coining new marketing buzzwords to fill the gaping void that has been left by the fact that "viral marketing" as a buzzword is now too cliche.
Political campaigns are now resorting to interstitial marketing to spread their message amongst young voters.
by Arunabh Das Three May 25, 2008
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