1 definition by Arevi

Shibs : (Noun) To combine the characteristics of ''Shotgun'' and ''Dibs'' i.e. A claim declaring ownership of an object or situation.

If one does not wish to participate in an undesirable activity then one muct declare "shibs". Everyone else aware of ''shibs'' must then declare "shibs" as quickly as possible. The last person to declare shibs is the reciprocant of said undesirable activity. In contrast, if the activity is desirable the first to declare "shibs" is the reciprocant.

Honestly the single, most democratic thing ever put forth by anyone in history, EVER.
mccann - *holds up joint*

gary - "shibs"
monty - "shibs.....aww fuck"
mccann - *passes le spliff to gary*
*doorbell rings*
dave - "shibs"
monty - "shibs"
gary - "shibs... seriously guys, fuck you"
*gary goes and answers door*
by Arevi November 10, 2012
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