2 definitions by Archiekins

Julia is nice and usually a gymnasia dancer. She is funny and hardly shy when you meet her! She's super helpful and athlectic. She loves slime and she is a great friend!
Kayla: Hey can you take a video of me?
Julia: Sure, as long we watch Riverdale afterwards!
Kayla: You know it!
(Julia kart wheels over to the camera)
by Archiekins August 3, 2017
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Jenna is a very fun, nice and funny person! She loves food, slime and doing whatever she needs to do to make people laugh. She makes you laugh and is always there for you no matter what!
Julia: Savannah, Savannah Help!

(Savannah runs into the room)

Jenna: Dancing like a maniac in the middle of the room
by Archiekins August 3, 2017
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